Catalyst Power Perks for Our Valued Customers!

Have you earned a gift card from Catalyst Power? Here's how to claim it...
Step 1: Login

Click "Get My Gift Card" to confirm your identity and login.

Step 2: Confirm

Once logged in and verified, confirm your gift card and click "Redeem Now".

Step 3: Enjoy!

Enjoy your new gift card with Catalyst Power's thanks and appreciation!

All product names, company names, and logos depicted are (1) the property of their respective holders, (2) used solely for illustrative purposes, and (3) not meant to imply any affiliation with or endorsement by their holders. Participating offers subject to change. Catalyst Power Perks is a free, voluntary, and ongoing customer loyalty, connection, and community resource created by Catalyst Power for select Catalyst Power customers over the age of eighteen. Enrollment in Catalyst Power Perks by Catalyst Power and online/mobile redemption by enrolled customers are required to access/use Catalyst Power Perks benefits. Catalyst Power Perks is not a one-time promotion or inducement to contract/purchase. VoltPoints are not cash, rebates, gift cards, or gift certificates, and also have no cash value. Customer Resources: View Catalyst Power Perks terms.

© Copyright 2024 Catalyst Power Perks. All Rights Reserved.
Welcome to your rewards! At Catalyst Power Perks, you're earning dining, travel, and shopping rewards you can spend in 500,000+ ways, plus gift card and product giveaways, games, daily deals, and much more!

© 2024 Catalyst Power Perks. All Rights Reserved.

All product names, company names, and logos depicted are (1) the property of their respective holders, (2) used solely for illustrative purposes, and (3) not meant to imply any affiliation with or endorsement by their holders. Participating offers subject to change. Catalyst Power Perks is a free, voluntary, and ongoing customer loyalty, connection, and community resource created by Catalyst Power for select Catalyst Power customers over the age of eighteen. Enrollment in Catalyst Power Perks by Catalyst Power and online/mobile redemption by enrolled customers are required to access/use Catalyst Power Perks benefits. Catalyst Power Perks is not a one-time promotion or inducement to contract/purchase. VoltPoints are not cash, rebates, gift cards, or gift certificates, and also have no cash value. Customer Resources: View Catalyst Power Perks terms.